Medical center

The blessings of Azerbaijani nature with rich healing properties have been successfully used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases for many years. One of them, the healing power of Naftalan oil, distinguished by its high biological activity, was known to mankind 600 years ago. Naftalan oil is obtained only in one place in the world, 45 km away from the city of Ganja, on the slopes of the Lesser Caucasus, which is 450 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains from the south, east and west.

It has a subtropical climate characterized by dry summers and mild winters. The genius Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi (1141-1201) mentioned in his works that the miraculous Naftalan oil was exported by caravans from the historical village of Safikurd, located near the present Naftalan city. The most fundamental theory about the origin of naphthalene oil today is that it is of organic origin and was formed underground for about 50 million years.


Naphthalan baths are a unique procedure in which naphthalan oil, a biologically active substance, is used. Under the influence of the substances contained in the healing oil, stimulation of hormones occurs in the human body, thereby the secretion of hormones such as estrogens, progesterone, cardiac glycosides begins. Naphthalan penetrates through the pores, and then leaves the body, taking away all the slags. There is no analogue of this substance in the world. In general, patients receive a bath session under the supervision of specialist doctors, during which breaks are required.


Treatment course - up to 20 days. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor and is 10-15 sessions with an interval of 1-2 days. The oil is heated to a temperature of 36-38 degrees and filled into the bath. The procedure takes 8-12 minutes. After the procedure, the body is cleaned with a special shovel and wiped with napkins.


Naphthalene oil concentrate has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antihistamine and vasodilator properties, which means that it can be used to treat more than 70 diseases. This procedure is used in rheumatism and gout, inflammatory skin lesions with minimal activity or in remission, for example, atopic dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, burns, diseases of soft tissues around the joints and musculoskeletal system: Burtsev, tendovaginitis, periarthritis and myositis , during a number of gynecological diseases, it is useful against a wide range of problems related to the activity of the musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications for taking Naphthalan baths:

  • Acute joint diseases
  • Acute gynecological diseases
  • Mastopathy
  • Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis)
  • Open skin diseases
  • Stomach ulcer
  • The presence of tuberculosis of any organ or system
  • Violations of blood circulation and blood coagulation, anemias
  • Complicated diabetes mellitus
  • History of epilepsy
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • Hepatitis
  • Venereal diseases
  • Glaucoma and any other diseases associated with high intrarenal pressure
  • Children up to 6 years old
  • The presence of any localized malignant or benign neoplasms; patients after chemotherapy, radiation therapy


After taking naphthalan baths, muscle spasms disappear, blood viscosity decreases and vessels expand, the activity of the whole body is stimulated, inflammatory processes are slowed down.

Ultrasound examination

Bathroom department

Traction department

Paraffin therapy


Parafin terapiyası əridilmiş parafinin köməyi ilə istilik və applikasiyalar şəklində vurulma vasitəsilə müalicə üsuludur ki, nəticədə toxumalar dərindən isinir.


Parafin tez isinir və temperaturunu uzun müddət qoruyub saxlayır, habelə, istiliyi gec verir. Maye vasitə dəri nahiyəsinə vurulduğu zaman tez quruyur. Daha sonra istiliyin lazım olan təsir zonasına ötürülməsi baş verir. Parafin bilavasitə olaraq dəriyə, bir neçə layla vurulur, daha sonra lazım olan bədən hissəsi polietilenlə örtülür.


  • Ağrı sindromu ilə müşayiət olunan bel xəstəlikləri (osteoxondroz, radikulit, lümbaqo, bel əzələlərinin gərilməsi).
  • Xroniki formada tənəffüs sistemi xəstəlikləri (bronxial astma, xroniki bronxit, bronxoektatik xəstəlik, tez-tez baş verən pnevmoniyalar).
  • Hipertoniya xəstəliyi
  • Xroniki yorğunluq sindromu
  • Selülit.
  • Qarnın ön divar əzələlərinin möhkəmləndirilməsi.
  • Baş ağrısı, gərginlik, miqren.
  • Onurğa sütununun boyun hissəsinin osteoxondrozu
  • Kökcük sindromu
  • Servikalgiya
  • Vegetativ damar distoniyası
  • Onurğa sütununun döş hissəsinin osteoxondrozu.
  • Tənəffüs orqanlarının xroniki xəstəlikləri (traxeobronxitlər, bronxial astma).
  • Ağciyərlərdə durğunluq halları.
  • Qabırğaarası nevralgiya


  • Dərinin bakterial, göbələk, virus infeksiyası.
  • Allergik dermatitlər.
  • Onkoloji xəstəliklər.
  • Hipertoniya xəstəliyinin ağır forması.
  • Qanaxmaya meyllik.
  • Titrətmə qızdırma ilə müşayiət olunan kəskin yoluxucu xəstəliklər.
  • Hamiləlik.


Parafin applikasiyaları trofik, regenerativ prosesləri stimullaşdırır, əzələ spazmlarını, ağrını azaldır, çəkici iltihab əleyhinə təsir göstərir. Bərkidiyi (kristallaşdığı) zaman parafinin həcmi 10–12% azalır, bu zaman müəyyən toxumalara mexaniki (kompressiya) təsir göstərir.





Ultrasound examination Bathroom department Traction department Paraffin therapy Cardiology Gynecology Laboratory Physiotherapy