About Us

NAFTALAN MUROV ART is located in the South-West region of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 330 km from the capital Baku, in the city of Naftalan, which is a healing center. The facility is located on ………m2 of land among green vegetation and trees.

It is 50 km (50 minutes) from Ganja Airport, 2 km (5 minutes) from the city center, 40 km (40 minutes) from Yevlak and 70 km (1 hour) from Sheki.

It has Medical units that can host our guests perfectly with its closed area, Polyclinics, Physiotherapy rooms, fitness and rehabilitation center, SPA.

NAFTALAN MUROV SANTATORIA is at your service with relaxing and exotic therapy options where you can experience its unique comfort for 365 days.

We invite you to NAFTALAN MUROV to discover unique peace and beauty therapies.